New Use Energy was recently featured in Microgrid Knowledge.
In the war-torn Donbas region of Ukraine, a medic tended to soldiers' wounds in a small clinic.
Unreliable fossil-fueled generators frequently halted his medical work. But SmartAid, a disaster relief organization, and New Use Energy stepped in, providing portable solar microgrids.
Once this technology was installed and restored electricity, the medic proclaimed the microgrid a "magic box" in a YouTube video. And so the 2.5-kWh solar generator – with a 1,500-watt inverter, housed in a sturdy metal case – gained a nickname.
"It was an honor to have such a brave man nickname it like that, so we kept the name in his honor," said Paul Shmotolokha, CEO of New Use Energy, during a teleconference about Ukraine organized by New Use Energy.
The company’s solar generators are operating in over 20 hospitals and field hospitals in Ukraine, he said. They generally include 5 kW-6kW of solar plus 5 kWh of storage.
Solar generators not only help refrigerate medicine and provide lighting in hospitals, but they also reduce dependence on expensive diesel fuel and don’t spew air pollution. Diesel also must be transported and delivered over supply routes vulnerable to Russian attack.
Read the full article on Microgrid Knowledge's website here.